
How to handle calls during the pandemic and streamline phone orders?

How to handle calls during the pandemic and streamline phone orders?

We had a client today who was not able to cope with the number of calls ringing to their 30 locations and was looking to find a way to not lose the orders. There are a few creative ways to cope with the surge in demand during this pandemic.
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Restaurants survival during COVID-19: Online ordering

Restaurants survival during COVID-19: Online ordering

Governments have temporarily suspended the restaurant business at once as they realized COVID-19 is spread via human-to-human contact. On the 18th of March, Texas Governor decided to close all the restaurants and bars in the state, as Texas confirmed 3rd virus death.
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Best Voip Phone System and Service Provider in Dallas, TX

Best Voip Phone System and Service Provider in Dallas, TX

There are two different types of phone systems that you can consider. we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each system so you can make an informed decision. We will start with the most common solution, hosted VoIP phone system
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Internet Outage kills Profitability, Invest in Backup Internet Service

Internet Outage kills Profitability, Invest in Backup Internet Service

Backup internet is simply a secondary path of communication to the internet so when your primary internet is down, you are still able to connect and transact.
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Protecting your business AND your financial transactions under Covid-19

Protecting your business AND your financial transactions under Covid-19

Any business with an online presence simply can’t afford security issues with customer data or transactions. The answer is PCI Compliance – the only way to mitigate security breaches and prevent breaches from malicious individuals.
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How to save your business and your employees under COVID-19

How to save your business and your employees under COVID-19

Let’s face it – COVID-19 has changed everything. With “stay home” precautions, a good percentage of our workforce is working remotely. In the meantime, businesses face a crisis on two fronts – accommodating their customers and keeping employees productive.
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VoIP is changing the healthcare industry

VoIP is changing the healthcare industry

healthcare professionals have discovered how VoIP technology can greatly enhance every aspect of the communication mix. Now, it’s about the cloud. Across the board, traditional phone systems for small businesses are being transformed by VoIP communication systems (Voice over Internet Protocol).
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Will Internet Service Provider Ever Rule the World?

Will Internet Service Provider Ever Rule the World?

The Internet maximizes business profit, employee efficiency, and improves risk-taking abilities. High-speed broadband and backup internet connection have drastically changed the way people work in the companies for the positive growth and development of their businesses.
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How to protect yourself from connectivity issues

How to protect yourself from connectivity issues

The key to system integrity is to identify network issues pre-emptively. It’s about staying ahead of potential problems with ongoing oversight. And it’s about optimizing your Internet connection to avoid unforeseen issues.
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Business Communication Future: Why VoIP Phone Systems and Cloud Communication Platforms are Essential

Business Communication Future: Why VoIP Phone Systems and Cloud Communication Platforms are Essential

Discover how VoIP phone systems, cloud platforms, and AI integration are reshaping business communication. Learn about the benefits and features of these technologies for enhancing productivity and efficiency.
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What pushed Jimmy John’s franchisees to go with fully guaranteed Internet connectivity?

What pushed Jimmy John’s franchisees to go with fully guaranteed Internet connectivity?

In fact, in this brisk business environment, some 50% of all orders are either by phone or online. Before upgrading the company’s technology platform, Jimmy John had regular and ongoing issues with both his Internet service provider and his phone service provider.
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Changing your Internet provider? It doesn’t have to be a nightmare!

Changing your Internet provider? It doesn’t have to be a nightmare!

If you’re fed up, and you’ve reached a breaking point, it may be time for a new approach. But you need to be sure about your reasons for switching providers, and it shouldn’t just be a reaction to “dissatisfaction” – there are a host of good reasons.
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Choosing a restaurant POS system. All you need to know for success.

Choosing a restaurant POS system. All you need to know for success.

All things considered, restaurant profitability is the prime consideration for every owner. And while POS Systems vary in scope and functionality, it’s imperative to match capacity with need.
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The big switch from a landline system to VoIP. It’s a technology switch and a mindset switch.

The big switch from a landline system to VoIP. It’s a technology switch and a mindset switch.

Many people have already abandoned their telephone landlines in favor of cloud-based VoIP technology. Now, more and more businesses are making the switch. Out-of-date phone systems and aging technologies are making way for robust VoIP systems replete with custom features.
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Internet connection downtime – the perfect recipe for lost profits

Internet connection downtime – the perfect recipe for lost profits

If your business relies heavily on the Internet, then you know only too well how downtime can impact your bottom line. You’re basically handcuffed – everything that drives your business is frozen, including POS terminals that depend exclusively on the Internet.
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Best connection solutions for restaurant industry

Best connection solutions for restaurant industry

During internet outages, sales grind to halt. In today’s competitive markets, when the internet & phones go down, leads stop flowing which in turn halts the lifeline of any business, sales.
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