The apparent problems resulting from internet breakage and downtime have necessitated an innovative solution. Therefore, redundancy is a vital consideration for all firms that have a framework that relies on a steady connection. This connection forms a vital part of business operations, and it ensures this connection runs optimally despite unforeseen mishaps and externalities. Network redundancy entails incorporating additional networking devices and configuration to ensure that the business enjoys an uninterrupted internet connection throughout its operations. This article looks at why having network redundancy may be one of the most worthwhile investments for your business.
What causes internet downtime
There are numerous possible causes for these troublesome internet breakages; a provider may be affecting infrastructural or firmware upgrades resulting in internet breakages. These outages may also result from a failed link between your devices and the internet provider. This broken link may be due to a storm or any other externality. Faulty or worn equipment can also be a notable culprit. Internet providers quite often rely on backbone networks which can interrupt internet connections when they go out. Power outages may also result in internet breakages as most internet frameworks are dependent on the availability of power. Given their nature, hardware components tend to wear out over time, resulting in failures that can sever internet connections. Upgrades may also cause problems in internet connectivity, especially when incompatible components are being used for firmware and hardware. It is a competent way of ensuring that these hazardous instances do not vastly impact the performance and productivity of your business.
Benefits of a redundant network
Having a redundant network is vastly beneficial for a business firm with notable bandwidth demands. A single connection may not be able to handle these tasking demands, resulting in slow connectivity and lagging. Processing large tasks become next to impossible in this case. Setting up a redundant network such as a Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) allows you to merge various ISP connections into one that can handle the business’s bandwidth requirements. Not only will it be faster, but it will also be able to operate optimally in case one ISP connection goes out.
Internet interruptions can be quite costly for any business. The internet tends to go off for moments at a time, which can interfere with your firm’s productivity levels. Once this connection is severed, it takes a considerable amount of time to return to optimal levels of operation. Utilizing technology such as SmartCONNECT allows your business framework to switch to another connection in case of internet outages seamlessly. This switch allows the business to run smoothly and consistently.
Effecting network redundancy allows you to better prepare for sudden internet outages that can last for long periods. It is not uncommon for internet providers to have downtime lasting up to 24 hours or even more. These long periods without connectivity can be quite detrimental to any business. Clients will not be able to reach your business, and you will not be able to offer your products and services in a timely and efficient way. Having a redundant network allows you to operate consistently, even with externalities that interrupt your steady internet connection.
“Redundant ISP connections allow you to keep operations even when other competitors are unable to. Offering uninterrupted services when other similar businesses can’t do the same gives you an absolute advantage on the market scene. Your business will be able to pull in more clients as they seek out the next most reliable option. Clients tend to find the consistency and reliability of any business quite appealing, and this could vastly improve your sales”.
It is commonplace for businesses to lose their clients as a result of unavailability and inconsistency. A poor internet connection makes it hard for businesses to reach you and may also worsen customer experience. Bad customer experience is one of the most notable causes of any business’s decline, hence the need for an efficient customer support framework.
Network redundancy can be used as a security measure for your business. Quite often, businesses allow their clients to connect to their internet via unknown devices. These devices pose an apparent risk as they can allow for espionage, infiltration, and malware attacks. Having numerous ISP connections allows the business to segment each sector based on their different connections. Therefore, clients can be given a dedicated connection that will not interfere with the business’s vital sectors. Internet security is very important, and segmentation coupled with it can be quite formidable in shielding off apparent vulnerability. Having a redundant network will also keep internet traffic from different endpoints separate. Sensitive information from one department will not be relayed across the same network, which unauthorized parties can easily access.
Tips on how to set up a redundant network
A well set-up redundant network has vast benefits, as seen above. Setting up redundancy is an intricate process that professionals should do for the best results. It would be best if the entire network were made fully redundant. There should be backups for power, ISP, devices, cables, and even VoIP. This backup framework should be as simple and neat as possible to make repair and maintenance easy. Businesses may also consider using 4G as a viable alternative for backing up primary internet service providers. These measures will ensure that your business gets the most out of setting it up.
Internet downtime can result from a myriad of factors, including technological errors, natural phenomenon, or simply human error. For a business to avoid these costly implications resulting from internet downtime, it would be best to employ a reputable internet wireless provider who guarantees unlimited uptime or a competent fixed wireless provider. In the long run, internet redundancy is a worthwhile investment as it provides a competent buffer against losses resulting from a broken internet connection.
For more information about Vivant’s SmartCONNECT technology or SD-WAN offerings, please refer to the linked pages.
Read the blog The Advantages of Dual Internet Connections: Uninterrupted Business Operations