The High Cost of Auto Dealership Downtime

This isn't just a hypothetical scenario. It's the harsh reality dealerships face when downtime strikes. And the cost? It's significant. Studies show that downtime can lead to lost sales, decreased productivity, and damage to your reputation.
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Imagine this: A customer is ready to buy their dream car. They’re excited, you’re excited… but then your internet crashes. The financing system freezes, you can’t even pull up their information. The customer’s smile fades as frustration builds. They glance at their watch, then at the door. Before you know it, they’re gone, and that sale is gone with them. Poof.

This isn’t just a hypothetical scenario. It’s the harsh reality dealerships face when downtime strikes. And the cost? It’s significant. Studies show that downtime can lead to lost sales, decreased productivity, and damage to your reputation. 

Even .1% internet and phone downtime can cost you thousands. Let’s make it zero.

Sales Stalls, Customers Fume

On the sales floor, downtime is like slamming on the brakes. Leads go cold as you can’t access their contact info. Potential buyers get impatient as you need help to show them vehicle specs or run credit checks. The inability to finalize deals promptly can bring the whole process to a screeching halt. Frustrated customers don’t wait around; they head straight to your competitor who is online and ready to serve them.

Service Suffers, Backlogs Grow

Downtime doesn’t just hit sales. It throws a wrench in the service department too. Scheduling appointments becomes a guessing game when your system is offline. Technicians waste precious time trying to look up parts or access repair manuals. Customers get frustrated with the lack of communication and delays. Backlogs build up, wait times increase, and customer satisfaction plummets.


Your Reputation Takes a Hit

The damage goes beyond immediate lost sales – every frustrated customer, every missed opportunity, chips away at your reputation. Negative reviews spread like wildfire on social media and review sites. Potential buyers start looking elsewhere, wary of the negative experiences others have shared.

The Solution: Rock-Solid Connectivity | Zero Downtime

The good news? You don’t have to be at the mercy of downtime. Reliable connectivity is the backbone of a smoothly running auto dealership.

That’s where Vivant comes in. Our SmartCONNECT technology guarantees 100% internet uptime. SmartCONNECT™, is our cutting-edge solution for 100% connectivity uptime. We have you covered via our SmartCONNECT™ technology that keeps your connection up even when there is an Internet outage with your Internet Service Provider. Contact us to learn more.


  • The sales team confidently closes deals, accesses customer information in a snap, and provides a seamless buying experience.
  • Service runs like a well-oiled machine, with technicians quickly accessing the information they need and customers receiving timely updates.
  • Happy customers leave positive reviews and recommend your dealership to their friends and family.

Harness the power of VIVANT. The power of ZERO DOWNTIME.


Losing Internet and phone service for any business is detrimental, not being able to use cloud applications, answering calls, processing payments, receiving online orders, and more.

Don’t let downtime cost you another sale or damage your reputation further. Contact us today and experience the difference reliable connectivity can make for your auto dealership.

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